Mi occupo di formazione, scrittura e ricerca coreografica. Dopo gli studi accademici in ambito coreutico, ho intrapreso un percorso di specializzazione in composizione coreografica prima a Roma, poi in Biennale a Venezia. Sul versante della scrittura, dopo gli studi umanistici in Università Statale a Milano, sono approdato alla scrittura creativa attraverso un master biennale in Scuola Holden. Debutto come coreografo in Biennale Danza con Room of a Cloud, nel 2008, sotto la direzione artistica di Ismael Ivo. Nel 2011 sono cofondatore di Collettivo Pirate Jenny, compagnia grazie alla quale ho potuto far convergere il mio amore per la scrittura con quello per la scena. Come freelance ho curato la direzione creativa di progetti culturali, videoclip, campagne pubblicitarie ed eventi che hanno come denominatore comune il corpo. Nell’ambito della formazione, oltre alla collaborazione con accademie professionali di Performing Arts e teatro danza, ho sviluppato una didattica fondata sulla gentilezza che mi ha permesso di curare progetti d’inclusività, di sviluppo e orientamento creativo sia in ambito personale sia aziendale. Nel 2022 TedX Torino mi ha invitato a parlare di gentilezza e danza nell’edizione dal titolo BE KIND.
I work in training, writing, and choreographic research.
After an academic education, I pursued a specialization in choreographic composition first in Rome and then at the Biennale in Venice. On the writing side, after humanities studies at the State University of Milan, I moved into creative writing through a two-year master's program at Scuola Holden. I made my debut as a choreographer at Biennale Danza with "Room of a Cloud" in 2008, under the artistic direction of Ismael Ivo. In 2011, I co-founded the Collettivo Pirate Jenny, a company through which I have been able to merge my love for writing with my passion for the stage.
As a freelancer, I have curated the creative direction of cultural projects, music videos, advertising campaigns, and events, all centered around the body. In the field of training, in addition to collaborating with professional academies of Performing Arts and dance theater, I have developed a teaching method based on kindness, which has allowed me to curate projects focused on inclusivity, community development, and personal and corporate growth. In 2022, TedX Torino invited me to speak about kindness and dance in the edition titled BE KIND.
After an academic education, I pursued a specialization in choreographic composition first in Rome and then at the Biennale in Venice. On the writing side, after humanities studies at the State University of Milan, I moved into creative writing through a two-year master's program at Scuola Holden. I made my debut as a choreographer at Biennale Danza with "Room of a Cloud" in 2008, under the artistic direction of Ismael Ivo. In 2011, I co-founded the Collettivo Pirate Jenny, a company through which I have been able to merge my love for writing with my passion for the stage.
As a freelancer, I have curated the creative direction of cultural projects, music videos, advertising campaigns, and events, all centered around the body. In the field of training, in addition to collaborating with professional academies of Performing Arts and dance theater, I have developed a teaching method based on kindness, which has allowed me to curate projects focused on inclusivity, community development, and personal and corporate growth. In 2022, TedX Torino invited me to speak about kindness and dance in the edition titled BE KIND.
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